Hide WordPress Admin Bar & Restrict Access to Dashboard

Are you looking to hide the WordPress admin bar and restrict dashboard access for specific users?

The WordPress admin bar and dashboard are important for managing a website, but not every user needs them. That’s why it’s a good idea to turn off the admin bar for users who don’t need it. This helps make your site more secure and easier to use.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to hide the WordPress admin bar and restrict access to the admin dashboard.

How to Hide The WordPress Admin Bar

ProfilePress allows you to hide the WordPress admin bar. You can select the user roles (subscriber, editor, author, contributor, administrator) for which the admin bar will be disabled.

First, ensure you have installed and activated the ProfilePress plugin on your WordPress site.

Next, go to ProfilePress>>Settings>>General>>Admin Bar & Dashboard.

Select the user roles for which the WordPress admin bar will be disabled. Leave all the roles unchecked if you want the WordPress admin bar disabled for everyone except admins.

Restricting Access to the WordPress Dashboard

ProfilePress also allows you to control who has access to your WordPress dashboard. You can restrict access to specific user roles while granting others access.

If you want it restricted to everyone except admins, leave all the roles unchecked.

Dashboard Redirect

ProfilePress also allows you to redirect users without WordPress dashboard access to a custom URL whenever they try to access the dashboard. When you leave the URL field empty, users will be redirected to the homepage.

Make sure to click the “Save Changes” button whenever you make any changes.


By following this guide, you’ve successfully learned how to hide the WordPress admin bar and restrict access to the dashboard for specific user roles, improving your website’s overall functionality.

Once everything is set up, testing various user accounts is critical to confirm they’re working as expected. Your users will benefit from a cleaner, more intuitive interface, and you will gain peace of mind with a more secure site.

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