WordPress Login Form Shortcodes

If you want to use the If you want to use the shortcode builder to create a custom WordPress login form, below are shortcodes to add fields to the form.


Displays the username/email address field.

Besides the attributes listed below, the shortcodes above also accept any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.
placeholder Specify a placeholder for the field.


Displays the submit button. Besides the attributes listed below, it also accepts any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.
value The label for the submit button.
processing_label Text displayed on the submit button when form is submitted.

Password Reset Handler Form

Below are the available shortcodes for the handler form that actually save the passwords of users.


Displays the field for users to enter their new password.


Displays the field for users to re-enter their new password.

Besides the attributes listed below, the shortcodes above also accept any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.
placeholder Specify a placeholder for the field.

to create a custom WordPress login form, below are shortcodes to add fields to the form.


Displays the username/email field.


Displays the password field.


Remember login checkbox.

Besides the attributes listed below, the shortcodes above also accept any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.
placeholder Specify a placeholder for the field.


Displays the submit button. Besides the attributes listed below, it also accepts any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.
value The label for the submit button.
processing_label Text displayed on the submit button when form is submitted.

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