Registration Form Shortcode

If you want to use the shortcode builder to create a custom WordPress registration form, below are shortcodes to add fields to the form.


Displays the username field.


Displays the password field.


Displays the password confirmation field.


Displays the email address field.


Displays the email confirmation field.


Displays the website field.


Displays the nickname field.


Displays the display-name field.


Displays the first-name field.


Displays the last-name field.


Displays the nickname field.


Displays the biography field.


Displays the profile picture or avatar upload field.


Displays the profile cover-image upload field.

Besides the attributes listed below, the shortcodes above also accept any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.
placeholder Specify a placeholder for the field.


Displays a custom-field‘s field.

Besides the attributes listed below, the shortcodes above also accept any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
key Field key of the custom field.
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.


Displays the password strength meter.

Attribute Description
enforce Accepts true or false. If true, the form submit button will be disabled unless the password strength is strong.


Displays the select dropdown field for registering users to select the role that will be assigned to them.

Besides the attributes listed below, the shortcodes above also accept any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
options Comma-separated list of roles that users can only select from. Leave empty to allow all user roles except for administrator.
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.


Displays the submit button. Besides the attributes listed below, it also accepts any HTML attribute you specify.

Attribute Description
class Specify the class name for the field.
id Specify the unique id for the field.
value The label for the submit button.
processing_label Text displayed on the submit button when form is submitted.

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