How to Create a Custom WordPress User Registration Form

Do you want to allow visitors and users to register, sign up, or create accounts on your WordPress site? Create a custom WordPress user registration form.

Many WordPress website owners are dissatisfied with the default WordPress registration page because the default WordPress registration page lives outside their website and does not conform to their site design. Additionally, the limited fields offered in the default registration form are disliked by many, including the username and email fields, with the password being sent to the user after registration.

With a WordPress user registration form plugin like ProfilePress, you can enjoy the flexibility of creating user-friendly, custom forms while also having the option to add custom fields for collecting additional information. ProfilePress allows you to create custom WordPress user registration forms that register users to your website, and you can assign a specific role to them.

In this article, we have outlined steps you can follow to create a custom user registration form on your WordPress website using the ProfilePress plugin.

Creating the WordPress Registration Form via the Drag & Drop Builder

To create a WordPress user registration form using the Drag-and-drop builder in ProfilePress, navigate to ProfilePress>>Forms & Profiles and click the Add New button.

Here, you can choose between the Drag & Drop Builder and the Shortcode Builder. In this section, we will cover using the Drag & Drop Builder, so go ahead and click on the “Get Started” button beneath it.

Type in the desired name for your form and click on the Registration tab.

Next, select your desired template and use the drag & drop builder to customize the form using the intuitive drag & drop builder. This powerful tool allows you to effortlessly rearrange the form elements, such as text fields, checkboxes, dropdown menus, and more, simply by dragging and dropping them into place.

You can preview how the WordPress user registration form will look by clicking on the “Live Preview” button.

Customize Your Form’s Settings

In Form Settings, you can completely customize various aspects of custom WordPress registration form to align with your preferences. You can effortlessly modify the form headline to craft a compelling message that resonates with your users.

You can modify the form headline, colors, button labels, and registration settings. You can also select the user role to assign to the new users and disable the username requirement.

Additionally, you can fine-tune the colors and appearance of the form elements to match your website’s branding and aesthetic. You can tailor the button labels according to your desired call-to-action, encouraging users to complete the registration process with clear and persuasive instructions.

The Form Settings also grant you control over crucial registration settings. You can specify the user role that new registrants will be assigned, allowing you to segment and manage your user base effectively. Moreover, if you prefer not to require a username during registration, you can disable this requirement, streamlining the process and simplifying the user experience.

Once you have finished customizing your form, click on the “Save Changes” button to save your form.

After saving the form, it is crucial to copy the shortcode that is conveniently displayed directly below the form title. This shortcode will be used in the next step, allowing you to seamlessly embed the form into any desired location on your website.

Creating Custom WordPress Registration Form via the Shortcode Builder

If you want more control over the WordPress registration form’s design, the shortcode builder allows you to add custom code to the form while using our field shortcodes to build your form. Please follow these steps to create the form.

Navigate to ProfilePress>>Forms & Profiles and click the Add New button.

In this section, we will cover using the Shortcode Builder, so go ahead and click on the “Build Now” button beneath it.

Drag and drop builder

Type in the desired name for your WordPress user registration form and click on the Registration tab.

Next, select your desired template and use the shortcode builder to build and customize the form using shortcodes.

This powerful tool allows unparalleled freedom to construct and personalize your WordPress user registration forms exactly to your liking. You can use the full potential of HTML and CSS, giving you total control of the form to achieve your desired visual and functional outcomes.

The advanced builder provides you with several shortcodes you can use to add fields to your form. These shortcodes simplify incorporating form elements such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, and more. By leveraging these shortcodes, you can effortlessly include the necessary fields while retaining complete control over the design and placement of the remaining form elements.


To add Google’s captcha (No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA) to the form to help prevent spam registration, add the recaptcha block or shortcode [pp-recaptcha] preferably before the submit button.

WordPress custom registration form with captcha

Once you have finished customizing your form, click on the “Save Changes” button to save your form.

After saving the form, it is crucial to copy the shortcode that is conveniently displayed directly below the form title. This shortcode will be used in the next step, allowing you to seamlessly embed the form into any desired location on your website.

NB: It is important to remember that when using the shortcode builder in ProfilePress, you should refrain from using a <form> tag. The inclusion and handling of the <form> tag are automatically managed by ProfilePress, eliminating the need for manual implementation.

Creating The WordPress User Registration Page

To showcase your newly created custom WordPress registration form on your website, you’ll need to embed it into a new page. Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a new page:

In your WordPress dashboard, go to Pages>>Add New

Type in a suitable name for the registration page. If you use the block editor, click the plus icon and search for a ‘shortcode’.

Click on the shortcode icon to insert the shortcode block on the page. Then, paste the custom registration form shortcode you previously copied above.

Click on the ‘Publish‘ button to save your page.

Setting the Default WordPress Registration Page

After publishing your registration page, you need to make it the default WordPress registration page in ProfilePress so users will be redirected to it when they are signing up on your WordPress website.

To assign the newly created page as the registration page, navigate to ProfilePress >> Settings >> General, then click on “Pages” in the vertical tabs.

Locate the “Registration Page” drop-down menu and choose the recently created page from the options. Finally, save your changes.

Having done that, all visits to will be redirected to your front-end custom registration page.


In conclusion, creating a user-friendly custom WordPress registration form is crucial for any website. This is made easy by using the ProfilePress plugin and following the step-by-step instructions above.

You can design and customize WordPress user registration forms to align perfectly with your unique requirements and branding. Whether through the drag-and-drop builder or advanced shortcode builder, ProfilePress gives you the flexibility and creative freedom to build your forms to your heart’s content.