How to Add VK Social Login & Registration to WordPress

To add a (VKontakte) social login to your WordPress site, so that users can log in and register via VK, you need to create a VK application.

Creating a VK App

Firstly, log in to your account and then go to

Click the “My Apps” menu, then the “Create” button.

Fill out the form with an app name and website address. Submit the form to create the app.

After the app is created, click the Settings menu. Ensure “Open API” is enabled. Enter the following as “Authorized redirect URI” Replace with your website domain and save.

Copy your Application ID and Secure Key to a safe location.

Integrating the VK App with ProfilePress

Login to your WordPress dashboard. Go to ProfilePress >> Settings and open the Social Login section.

Save the App ID and Secure keys to the settings.

To complete VK social login integration, follow this article to learn how to add the VK login button to your registration and login forms.


The end!

Get ProfilePress & The Social Login Addon