How To Redirect Users to Referrer Page After Checkout Payment

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, providing a seamless user experience is crucial for the success of online businesses. One important aspect of this user experience is the post-payment process, where customers are redirected to a confirmation page or a specific destination. However, it can sometimes be beneficial to redirect users back to the referrer page they came from after completing the checkout process.

To redirect WordPress users after payment via a ProfilePress checkout page, you need to implement the below code to your website.

add_filter('ppress_checkout_redirect_to_referrer_after_payment', '__return_true');

How to Implement the Above Code Snippets

If you are new to PHP or WordPress development, we recommend adding these code snippets using the Code Snippets plugin. This allows you to add the code directly within your WordPress dashboard.

Alternatively, you could add the snippets directly to your theme or child theme’s functions.php file.

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