See what’s new with ProfilePress, a WordPress paid membership and ecommerce plugin.
Filter for specifying payment method based on plan ID.
ppresssubscriptionbuffer_seconds filter.
Filtering by user role to Member Directory.
Inverted the logic of content protection.
Function loadtextdomainjustin_time was called incorrectly.
Email placeholder not working for welcome email
Switch to using homeurl() from siteurl() for login redirect.
Disabled buffer on expiration cron job when a subscription is cancelled.
Redirect to My Account page if previous url after login is the password reset page.
Double-check to ensure subscription is expired before sending subscriptionExpired email.
Shortcode support to Restricted Page template in content protection.
ppresscheckoutisregistrationchecked_enabled filter.
ppressfrontendprofile_url filter.
Disable processing page when on bank transfer payment method.
Disable checking if registration is enabled during checkout if user is logged in.
Bug where textarea data in user profile lack newlines.
Bug where textarea data in user profile lack newlines.
Broken html on agreeable field.
Bug where stripe amount could be negative integer.
Customer search in admin dashboard not working correctly.
{{order_coupon}} placeholder to order emails.
ppresscontentprotectionignorepost_excerpt filter.
ppressuseravatarimageurl filter.
Various XSS reported by Cleantalk.
Fatal error that might occur from changing default login page url.
Duplicate queries detected by Query Monitor.
Couple of PHP errors and warnings.
Switched to using core Codemirror library.
Social login session handling.
ppresscheckoutdisablepaymentforzeroinitial_payment filter to disable payment when initial amount is zero.
Filter to disable tab widget user registration.
Bug where restricted content could be accessed via rest api.
Icon error in admin css.
Bug with multiple display of login remember label.
Bug that displays double 'tripple-mdash' in billing state field.
Bug where country/state field ID instead of title was displayed in member directory & user profile.
Content protection compatibility with WooCommerce.
Security issue with social login from accounts with unverified email address.
Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError.
Bumped Stripe API version to 2024-06-20.
Support for cache-heavy hosting like WPEngine and Pantheon.
XSS on plan edit page metabox and builder form field label.
Compatibility with jQuery 4.
WooCommerce compatibility to content protection where add-to-cart button is hidden for restricted product.
ppressischeckoutautoscrollenabled filter to disable checkout autoscroll feature.
Twitter social login icons and text to X.
Deprecated jQuery codes.
Do not show the tax rate in receipts if it is zero.
Setting for disabling My Account tabs.
date_created time bug with manual order.
Bug where expired coupons could be used via URL.
Uncode theme compatibility to content protection feature.
Bugs with Stripe tax update after order.
Bug where manual order didn’t include subtotal.
Bug where email confirmation addon unnecessarily cancels gateway subscriptions.
Update order tax amount in if Stripe charges tax.
Filter to remove cover photo uploader field from default profile page.
Undefined array key 'exempt' warning.
Exemption to content protection.
Pantheon hosting support to metered paywall
Bug where Tutor course in multiple plans didn't exactly work correctly
Bug where subscription was not revoked when unpaid in Stripe.
Stopped ucwords-ing displayname profile information.
Checkout compatibility with Pantheon hosting.
Bug where zero amount checkout didn't work when autorenewal is enabled.
XSS on user panel widget.
Stripe bug where payment method not saving for zero amount orders.
Support for new LinkedIn social login API.
One-time URLs from breaking by safe links in confirmation and passwordless emails.
Filter to for changing Tutor LMS subscribe button.
Filters to order and subscriptions email recipients.
Filter to change the receipt name.
Bug where Stripe sometimes fails to make payment method default.
XSS on registration checkbox field label.
ppresscontentprotectionisprotection_disabled filter.
Custom field support to account welcome email
Checkout verbiage when auto-renewal is disabled
Bug where customer username is always email during creation from wp-admin.
Stripe bug where payment method not saving for zero amount orders.
XSS on carousel-author-posts shortcode.
Deprecated PayPal API parameters.
Redundant "Other Payment Method" setting from PayPal.
Bug with too many redirects when 2fa enforcement is to a custom 2fa page.
Compatibility with upcoming WP 6.5
Bug where user membership subscriptions were not cancelled after account deletion.
Bug with tax-inclusive checkout calculation.
Bug with custom field not working on order/sub emails.
XSS on checkbox registration field.
XSS on edit profile form.
XSS on registration form with user role select field.
Login Redirect feature.
Bug where checkbox field marked as required didn't work.
Security XSS on forms.
Account deletion tab to My Account page.
Move CC element below billing address when Taxes is enabled.
XSS on registration form.
PHP warnings.
PayPal checkout not working for membership plans with long descriptions.
Ensure subscription is expired on subscription upgrade.
Bug with "Already have an account" checkout link not working.
Couple of PHP warnings
Support for passing invite code via URL parameter.
ppressdragdropprofilelisting_item filter.
Avada theme compatibility.
Bug with expired subscription not expiring.
PHP errors and warnings
Setting for enabling autologin after checkout.
Bug with checkout of free trials via Stripe.
Bug with multisite login redirect to wrong network site.
Bug where order was 0 when amount was not entered during manual order creation.
Bumped stripe api version to 2023-10-16.
Caching of gravatar API calls.
More US states: American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Palau.
Switch to escurlraw in NavigationMenuLinks::Frontend.
ppressmyaccounteditprofilecustom_form filter.
Added feature to disable concurrent login by users.
Password strength meter to "change password" myaccount section.
Allowlist option for restricting registration to specific email addresses.
Filter to stripe customer metadata array.
ppressauthorpostaftertitle filter.
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_filter(): Argument 1 ($array) must be of type array.
Invite Codes addon.
Filter to enable metered paywall views for logged in users.
Bug where material icons weren’t showing in form builder.
Only add confirm prompt on cancel action button on view subscription page.
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 must be of type string, array given.
Bug where cancelled sub didn’t change to expire after expiration.
Bug where inactive membership plan could be purchased.
Bug where checkout proration wasn't working.
Renamed log file to be unique to avoid public access.
Security issue where user can specify their own non-admin user role.
Bug where country field IDs instead of the name were displayed in user profile.
Filters for the Member Directory search field and button.
Filter to implement checkout auto-login.
Nonce check to admin notice dismissal url.
LifterLMS integration.
Content protection compatibility with Avada theme.
"ppressmyaccountsubscriptionheaderactions" action hook.
Check capability before dismissing admin notice.
Do not send welcome email if user moderation is active for a registering users.
Sensei LMS integration.
Data Export feature.
Option to make coupon one-time use.
Setting to disable sending email receipts for free orders.
Settings tab for enforcing password confirmation as required field.
Filter to redirect to referrer url after checkout.
Filter to conditionally enable user moderation based on registration form.
Reverted added "ppressnoaccessactionmessagecustomnowpksespost" filter.
Bug with plan switching checkout not working for certain payment methods.
Bug where sub cancelled email was sent during upgrade.
Bug with invalid "paid on" date on order edit screen.
Setting for disabling subscription auto-renewals.
Extended Tutor LMS addon to include creating custom student and instructor registration forms.
ppressstripedisablemaybeupdate_webhook filter to disable automatic stripe webhook regeneration.
Form preview bug when using a block theme.
Tutor LMS integration.
Stripe Tax support.
DOM-based XSS on registration form.
Stripe bug where webhook details are missing after disconnection and reconnection.
Stripe bug where billing details not shown when tax is enabled and is offsite checkout.
Check to only process paypal payments via supported currencies
Access token refresh in PayPal integration
Increased number of returned mailchimp audiences to the 1k max count
PHP 8 compatibility.
ppressmyaccountbillingdetailsdisable$fieldkey filter.
ppressdpfdefault_tab filter.
Updated the empty profile state text for visitors.
Bug where subscription ID was not set after activation.
Charting library.
Integration with Stripe Customer Portal for updating payment methods.
Bug where stripe checkout might fail if the phone field is not present.
Bug where subscription expiration and renewal reminder didn't work for trial subscriptions.
Bug where some placeholders weren’t working for new user admin email notifications.
Made remember me checkbox for login form unchecked by default.
Corrected missing filter hook arguments.
Hardened security of myaccount subscription actions.
ppresssubscriptiondeleted action hook.
ppressaddedplanroletocustomer and ppressremovedplanrolefromcustomer filters.
ppresssubscriptionformattedexpirationdate filter.
Plan selection on group checkout as select dropdown.
Bug where stripe checkout doesn’t work again on error.
Migrated Stripe integration from card to payment element.
Bug where logout redirect on group checkout goes to individual plan checkout url.
Bug with stripe checkout not working when search is disabled in certain countries.
Bug where mailchimp addon returned 10 tags.
Ensure payment gateways does not create duplicate transactions on a checkout
ppressmeteredpaywallcombinedfreeviewtotal and ppressmeteredpaywallviewcount filters.
Restricted Page Template option for content protection.
Ensures buddypress/buddyboss field return all groups.
Couple of PHP uncaught and notice errors.
ppresspublicjs_dependencies filter.
filters to checkout fields.
ppressstripepricesearchargs filter.
ppresscheckoutdisablevalidatefield filter.
hasanystatus_subscription method to customer entity.
Filter for skipping custom fields in checkout.
ppressplanexpiration_datetime filter.
Bug with razorpay subscription payments not working.
Bug where loggedout condition for elementor content restriction wasn’t working.
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function wpuagetdefaultavatarurl() on null.
Settings icon from form builder metabox form settings.
Bug with razorpay refund not correctly reflecting in WP.
View Receipt link for non-completed payments in order confirmation page.
Membership with ESP sync.
Invalid textdomains.
Made payment methods page re-arrangable via drag and drop
Settings url to addons page.
Support for ‘url’ config when adding myaccount page menu tabs.
Color fields to settings API.
Bug where admin couldn’t delete other users cover photo in the admin dashboard.
Incorrect currency in order listing display.
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “user_login”.
Missing text domain to strings.
Bumped Stripe API version to the latest.
XSS in shortcode & content protection admin page.
Settings button to addons page.
XSS in form builder.
Membership integration to Mailchimp addon.
Membership integration to Campaign Monitor addon.
Select dropdown to filter subscriptions by membership plan.
Error when retrieving some settings.
Fatal error when attempting to remove user role from a user that does not exist.
Helper link to auto-create required pages.
Bug with checkout not working when username field is missing.
Bug where payment completed date wasn’t updated.
Bug with custom fields added to checkout form not saving.
Couple of XSS issues.
Checkout styling.
Block Registration by Email feature.
Bug where install missing db feature didn't correctly work.
XSS in couple of admin pages
Bug with disabled admin new user email causing welcome email to users not to work.
Fatal error caused by the use of str_contains on < PHP 8.
Bug that resulted to broken admin css.
Bug with DB update not working in some cases.
Bug with honeypot preventing some payment gateways from working.
Blur & fade effect setting to restricted content.
Disable content protection on post/page preview and elementor preview.
Allow licenses to be entered in Lite.
Bug where unserialize() call could instantiate classes.
PHP 8 compatibility
Bug where default avatar wasn’t reflecting in buddypress.
Bug where nocache header might be applied site-wide.
Bug where session might have started where unnecessary.
Checkout social login support
Checkout reCAPTCHA support
Checkout Akismet support
Checkout compatibility with other addons.
Honeypot field to checkout to prevent spam.
Filters for adding custom tabs to the user profile.
Store status admin menu styling not working.
Integration with Conditional Blocks plugin.
Customer ID placeholder support to order email.
Custom fields support to order emails.
Index column size too large error when creating subscriptions DB table.
Bug where download details was showing for order without downloads.
"ppressdisablegoogle_fonts" filter to disable google fonts globally.
Oxygen builder compatibility to Admin Bar Control.
Bug where new order creation with missing payment method failed.
Bug where content protection failed to identify some posts/pages.
Date related output and queries.
Bug with Stripe webhook 404ing.
&mdash as default select options for profile custom fields.
Order refund support from single order admin page.
Payment method icons to checkout page.
Filter to remove billing custom fields in default WP user profile
Filter to disable D&D custom html sanitization
Bug with free trial subscriptions getting expired early.
Duplicate entry '0' for key 'user_id' when recalculating stat.
jQuery deprecated syntax errors.
Fatal error caused when loading billing address fields in builder.
Contextual state display bugs.
Critical bug causing checkout not to work.
Bug where plan with empty description caused checkout not to work.
Added endpoint as classes to My Account tabs.
Store admin bar menu now only display for active store.
Bug where Stripe scripts were loaded when not enabled.
Bug where pages were auto-created.
Bug with member directory role restriction not working.
Uncaught Error: Call to a member function exists().
Bug where upload field with data is still required.